domingo, dezembro 11, 2011


A minha postura para lidar com rejeições:

The potential of being rejected by others as a result of who you are or what you do is not something that you allow yourself to worry about. If people don't accept you the way you are, you are not going to go out of your way to attain their approval. Granted, rejection by someone in your life may very well hurt you, but you won't let it dictate how you feel about yourself. You know that the only approval you should be worried about is your own, and when you respect and approve of yourself, you are more likely to project an image to others that says "I am worthy, and I am have much to offer to someone."

Um texto interessante sobre auto-estima:
"Self-esteem is essential to our ability to function in a healthy way. Without the foundation of a solid sense of self, we are unable to take the risks and make the decisions necessary to lead a fulfilling, productive life. A low self-esteem can corrode our love lives, careers, family bonds, and most importantly, our internal sense of well-being. A high, stable self-esteem, on the other hand, contributes to problem-solving abilities and the assertiveness needed to achieve what psychologist Abraham Maslow called "self-actualization" - a continuous desire to fulfill potentials and be all that you can be. A strong self-esteem actually creates a type of self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you like yourself, the more you begin to act in likable ways; the more you believe you are able to achieve something, the more likely it is that you will